He Kāinga Rawaka He Tika Tangata

Everyone has the right to a decent home. In Aotearoa New Zealand housing is one of the biggest issues the country is facing.


Too many people are not having their housing rights and needs met - overcrowding, unaffordability, unhealthy and unsafe homes, and a lack of availability are impacting a large swathes of the population.

A transitioning graphic of the website header images

Te Kāhui Tika Tangata, the Human Rights Commission of New Zealand (HRC) launched an inquiry to understand people’s experiences of housing, to generate solutions for the housing system, and to promote the human right to a decent home.

A backgroundimage of a happy family of 2 adults and 3 young children sittign closely on a sofa, over laid with white text which reads" We used to aspires to own our own home but realistically there's no way we'll eveer get to that stage, especially since rent and other expenses keep going up and incomes stay the same", a quote by Marty.
A yellow graphic background with 2 cellphone screen mock ups displaying pages of the website.

Our mahi:
HRC engaged For Purpose to develop the digital engagement and creative strategy to support this campaign. The campaign strategy posed a challenging brief, calling for engagement across a wide range of the public, from those in the Housing Development sector, to those renting overcrowded unhealthy homes. It also needed to be grounded in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the agreement between our colonial government and indigenous Māori, meaning a collaborative approach was required from the start.

We partnered with Tapu Tapu to design an approachable brand with a distinct local flavour, grounded in māoritanga, and accessible to all. We designed and built an engaging website that asks users to share their experiences of housing, to generate feedback from the inquiry, as well as content for on-going promotion of the campaign. Finally, we designed a simple social media strategy that could be delivered by the small in-house team at HRC to help motivate the audience to share their stories and help spread the word on this campaign.

Partner: Te Kāhui Tika Tangata, the Human Rights Commission of New Zealand

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